Finnish It! Mobile Gaming Goes Gaga

As Nokia predicts biggest game franchises will go mobile in less than a year.

Posted by Staff
Finnish It! Mobile Gaming Goes Gaga
Nokia’s first major effort to move into mobile gaming with the N-Gage wasn’t quite the raging success the Finnish mobile comms giant had hoped.

However, not a company to be put off by financial losses and widespread critical derision, the company is planning to launch the N-Gage 2 later this year. In September, to be precise.

Publishers, EA Mobile and Gameloft, are already committed to supporting the next generation of N-Gage, with Nokia claiming today on the official N-Gage blog that:

“We expect EA Mobile and Gameloft to bring a number of top-selling, award winning titles to our platform between our launch in September and the end of 2007. They aren’t the only ones, as throughout the year we will continue to make exciting announcements of other leading publishers adding their titles to our games catalogue… By early 2008, we expect to have some of the biggest franchises and hottest mobile games included in the N-Gage experience.”

Who, Nokia? Which publishers are adding to the N-Gage 2 catalogue? Which award-winning games are we talking about?

SPOnG has put a number of calls into Nokia’s various PR companies in the UK today to try to clarify more about the follow-up to the ill-fated N-Gage.


YenRug 5 Feb 2007 15:03
If ever there was a more obvious reason to ask the simplest question: Why?
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