UK Prisons Banning All 18-Rated Video Games

Unless you are on suicide watch

Posted by Staff
Right you slags, it's Mary King's Riding School  from now on.
Right you slags, it's Mary King's Riding School from now on.
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A new UK Prison Service directive means that those currently - and in future - holidaying at Her Majesty's pleasure (lags and cons) will not be able to play 18-rated video games. In fact, if they want to play any games, "Governors must ensure that all games consoles and console games are purchased at prisoners’ own expense. No public funds must be used by establishments to purchase games consoles and equipment."

Of course, this doesn't extend to the PS3, which was banned from UK nicks in March 2007.

According to the ruling, "In the adult (18 and over) estate access is to be restricted to those prisoners on the enhanced level of the IEP (Incentives and Earned Privileges) scheme only. In addition, no 18-rated console games are to be permitted. Governors must ensure that action to implement these changes is completed by 30 September 2008."

There is a caveat however, and we are scratching our heads as to the logic behind this one - as it refers to suicide watch, "With immediate effect, prisoners on Basic level of IEP must not under any circumstances be allowed access to games consoles and console games save exceptionally for those under suicide prevention measures."

Banning 18-rated games then? This must surely not be a simple Daily Mail grabbing headline by soon-to-be Gordon Brown replacement candidate Jack Straw (currently Secretary of State for Justice). Banning 18-rated games from cells is obviously aimed at stopping prisoners learning violent behaviour and going out to commit... oh, crime and then ... ending... up... oh... dear... in prison?

Are you banged-up? Have you done time? What do you think of this ruling? Tell us in the Forum.

You can, if you've not got nothing to do now you've not got a console to play on, read the directive right here.


schnide 25 Jul 2008 12:35
SPOnG wrote:
"Governors must ensure that all games consoles and console games are purchased at prisoners’ own expense. No public funds must be used by establishments to purchase games consoles and equipment."

ABOUT F**KING TIME! Whether it's headline grabbing or not, this is something that should never have been allowed in the first place.

If I'd realised you can break the law and then play games at Her Majesty's Pleasure, I'd have owned up to what I did, instead of spending hours chopping up the body and feeding it to my cats.

deleted 25 Jul 2008 15:20
i did some work for a prison a while back IT related and during my time there i had to have the standard tour and saftey show around etc, now this was a young offenders prision 16-20 year olds, some were in for petty things others were very very serious offences, now on my tour i was taken through the common room, to where my work was being done, my fecking jaw dropped!!

these `convicts` had a 2 x 60" Plasma TV`s wall mounted, with each one connected to a PS2 + 360, at the side of them was a lockable cabinet with at least 60-70 games for both consoles, there was also a bank of personal use computers around 15 and at the back of the room was a 120" HD projector with sofas and headsets for watching movies.

also in the room was an air hockey table, fuseball table and pool tables, next door to that was a full state of the art gym with swimming pool.

it wasnt a prison it was a f**king pamper camp!!

at least i know if my kids ever did anythign wrong they would be in luxury!

i told the guard how this was luxury and he agreed, he said that because they were young offenders they were not to be treated like prisoners and even the guards had to allow them freedom within the prison, to the point of not even being allowed to raise there voices!!!!

this country is a joke!!!
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