Rupert Murdoch Eyes Motion Control

You don't get to dominate the world without seeing a fad and killing it.

Posted by Staff
Rupert Murdoch Eyes Motion Control
Sky Games - part of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, and chaired by Murdoch Jr (James in this case) - has jumped aboard the Motion Control for gaming bandwagon.

Its online 'game' portal - Sky Games - has introduced games that you can 'play' by Webcam. In a classically mediocre but lowest common denominator move, the games on offer pay homage to such delights as Guitar Hero, Space Invaders and Wii Fit-a-like Skiing.

We had a go and discovered that certainly the AirGuitar game, described thus: "Strum with your right hand and match notes on the fret with your left!" was about as strummable as Fox News coverage of video games is credible.

That's not very much. Don't believe us, it's here. It'll serve until something playable emerges from Fox Atomic.


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