Halo Reach Beta To Feature Almost Everything

It'll be a really good representation of the final game. Well, we hope so.

Posted by Staff
The upcoming Halo: Reach Beta will 'represent a sub-section of almost every main portion of the game', according to Bungie's Community Leader Brian Garrad. Public testing of the sci-fi prequel will contain a truckload of content that will give players "a really good representative sampling of the final game."

Garrad, speaking to Xbox Live Editor Dan Maher (via TheLostGamer), spoke of some of the specific details of the Beta; "We'll have a couple of the new armour abilities that we've been talking about, which are sort of the new version of equipment. They have pretty immense implications for gameplay.

"Some of the weapons will be in there, we'll have a subset of maps, we'll have a subset of game-types - some of which are returning favourites, and some are brand new that people don't even know about yet." Of course, Garrad also says that Bungie will be holding back a lot of material so that they can continue to surprise fans before Halo: Reach officially releases.

All very exciting. Who's wanting to jump in, then?


XBOX360GUY 23 Feb 2010 17:23
ZOMG this will be probably the best game ever, but because its not cross platform and ODST was a "dissapointment"" it wont sell as much as mw2 . Bungie are pulling out all the stops 4 this.

ps im not an xbox fanboy i own both and i genuinelly believe the 360 is the better console. fanboy war is pointless just settle down and heve fun
Matt 23 Feb 2010 20:16
"ZOMG this will be probably the best game ever"
- Facepalm.jpg

Seriously, it may be a fantastic game, but we will have to see the final game to make an informed decision, Best Game Ever, i think not, and definitely not based on the alpha release media, may look pretty, but it looks pretty generic
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