ECA Call for Anti-Schwarzenegger Petition

Vote for games as protected speech

Posted by Staff
ECA Call for Anti-Schwarzenegger Petition
The Entertainment Consumers Association (ECA) in the USA wants signatures on a petition to support its case against Californian Governor Schwarzenegger's bill to ban sales of mature videogames to youngsters - you know, like we have here in the UK.

The ECA explains that having submitted a new court document called an 'amicus brief' "this year, or early next, the court is going to listen to oral arguments on whether to agree with those other lower court findings, or not. Agreeing would mean that they believe that video games are, and should continue to be, First Amendment protected speech, just like movies and music. The court disagreeing would mean that they believe that games should be treated differently - more like alcohol, tobacco or firearms."

So, it wants people (American people, but what the hey) to sign a petition indicating that you're for free speech and selling games to anybody.

Interestingly it points out that, "Even if you're not a gamer, if you work in the interactive entertainment space or otherwise derive a living from gaming, we'd urge you to aid us for this important ruling and let our collective voices be heard by signing the petition."

We'd be shocked and stunned and hurt to think that some who works "in the interactive entertainment space or otherwise derive a living from gaming" isn't a gamer.


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