Microsoft on Kinect Price: "Depends How You Look at it"

That's what we call a free market.

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Microsoft on Kinect Price: "Depends How You Look at it"
Goodness, Microsoft is having some difficulty convincing cynical, hard-bitten, getting it for free anyway, journalists of the validity of its pricing for Kinect. Next in the queue for price-justification duty is Marketing Manager at Xbox/Microsoft in the UK, Brett Siddons.

"The price thing itself depends on how you look at it," Siddons said at a recent Amazon event. That's what we call a free market. Except it's not true. The pricing is in fact set in stone.

"It's £129.99 RRP but it comes with a game within that price – so Adventures will be packed in with the camera", he told Techradar.

"If you buy it with the console which normally costs £149.99, (then the package price is) £249.99 with the Kinect and the games – another 100 pound on top," he continued... with set-in-stone pricing.

"I'll let you do the maths," he continued, "but when you say Nintendo Wii or PlayStation Move you buy this and this, even for a two player games.

"What do you need and what do actually have to spend for a two player game for this device versus that device. You actually find that (Kinect) is very competitively priced."

So, are you convinced? Tell us in the comments.


Fonzi 29 Jul 2010 11:52
No, they missed the boat, should be £75
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