Realtime Worlds' Project MyWorld Staff Re-Hired

Studio's next project will live on.

Posted by Staff
Realtime Worlds' Project MyWorld Staff Re-Hired
Realtime Worlds looks to be getting some of its mojo back, as administrator Begbies Traynor confirms it has re-hired 23 of the staff made redundant earlier this month - all from the team that worked on Project MyWorld.

Before word of the studio's fall into administration was made official, an anonymous poster claiming to be a former member of Realtime Worlds staff suggested that anyone taking over the intriguing MyWorld project would have a hard time continuing it. That the "code isn't worth a damn" without the original team. It seems that potential investors have agreed with that notion.

Joint administrator Ken Pattullo released a statement to the press that said, "As a smaller entity MyWorld is attracting considerable interest from potential buyers and 23 members of the team who had been working on the project clearly add value to it as a standalone business, hence the fact we have been able to offer a limited number of those jobs back."

Originally, 53 employees were kept out of a potential 210 in Realtime World's Dundee office, while 14 out of 42 have been saved in the company's Colorado head office. There seems to be growing interest from both the UK and the US in rescuing the studio - an outfit that has amassed a UK creditor debt of £3 million.

Source: GI


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