Improve Wee-Targeting Control Through Gaming

No more embarrassing splashes and stains.

Posted by Staff
Seeing as it’s Friday, we just had to tell you about this slightly deranged weeing-controlled game that has been developed by a guy called Marcel Neundörfer.

Neundörfer's On Target is sure to appeal to any boy with memories of playing ‘who can wee the highest’ at primary school (Oh come on, we[e] all did it!) and to any grown man who, whilst heavily inebriated, has played imaginary games whilst directing his drunken wee all over the shop in the urinal of a stinking public house’s toilet.

Oh, what? Nobody else has done that, have they? Errr, anyway, swiftly moving on...On Target is a a urinal-based game featuring wee sensitive pressure points connected to an LCD screen in front of you. Recessed into the urinal is a pressure-sensitive display screen.

When you wee on it, you trigger an interactive game, producing images and sound. The reduced size of the 'target' improves rest-room hygiene, saves on cleanings costs and makes a trip to the urinal "fun and games" – more than just a necessary nuisance.

On Target has two clear winning USP’s. Firstly, whenever you visit the pub/restaurant toilet, you can play a little game – no matter how much Stolichnaya you’ve thrown down your neck! It would actually make us want to drink our strong European fighting lager even quicker than we do now – just so we could get some extra games in.

Secondly, and far more importantly, the game will remove any point in worrying about fellow urinators checking out your love-tool...and remove any point in worrying about other urinators thinking that you might be checking out their love-tools. Because you will all be happily playing On Target. Just think of the possibilities for the multiplayer options, which as far as SPOnG is aware, have yet to be developed.

On Target was apparently inspired by an MIT project called You're In Control (urine control – geddit?) which featured a Whack-A-Mole style game and a controller which combined the functions of "nintendo-style game controllers, plumbing equipment, and strap-on dildo harnesses" so girls could have a go.

Really, we couldn’t make this shit up. Now, talking about poo, anyone got any great ideas for defecatory-based videogames?


realvictory 24 Mar 2006 22:13
Yes, but I'm not sure that you'd want to hear them.
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