Analysts: PS3 vs Xbox 360 Xmas Fight

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Topic started: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 13:10
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Wed, 25 Nov 2009 13:10
PS3 slim is still much more expensive than the Xbox.
The 250gb Forza Xbox Super Elite (which includes 2 wireless controllers & the latest Forza 3 game) is on sale at Play UK for less than the price of a bare PS3 slim.

I really don't care about Blu-ray so for me PS3 offers nothing but less games and a higher price ticket.
Wed, 25 Nov 2009 14:03
We will be getting a PS3 this holiday season, X-Box is cheaply made, unreliable, overpriced junk.
Wed, 25 Nov 2009 14:13
I have had both consoles and i can say the Xbox 360 is a much better console! If you are a ture gamer you will get the Xbox 360 Super elite. Microsoft have been number one longer than sony and still are! Fact
Wed, 25 Nov 2009 14:20
I just received a PS3 slim with my phone. Traded it in and got a 360. It is a far better console for gaming and with new features like sky, it's becoming a better entertainment machiene.
Mr Cubby
Wed, 25 Nov 2009 14:22
@chris_ Riiigh.. so those 112 million PS2s made Sony Second to the orginal Xbox. Good call. Dont be such a mong.
Wed, 25 Nov 2009 14:25
Oh my god! Are you stuuupid? Number one? In gaming? You are a joke. ps1 was released wayy before xbox.
JabbaThe Hut
Wed, 25 Nov 2009 14:34
PS3 will outsell Xbox for the iomple reason of price point is right. Blu-ray,WIFI alone will alone be enough for those considering a Blu-ray player. The PS3 games are phenomena and has taken traction over the last 2 years and has prove to be ideal development for advanced game development.

Xbox will forever go down history for its problem. The game are good but does not have the sliver to be better than PS3.
Wed, 25 Nov 2009 14:37
Who won:

Sept? PS3
Oct? PS3
Last 10 Weeks? PS3
W/E Nov 14th? PS3

Well I would have to say it looks like the PS3 is the clear winner so far this holiday season and if I had to hazard a guess for the last week of Nov and month of December, I would go with PS3 as well. Sounds like this company ordered way too many 360's and needs to push sales of them since they see the market is all going PS3.
Wed, 25 Nov 2009 14:38
I have to agree with JabbaTheHut. Where I am standing right now, PS3 Slim is a better purchase. I bought Xbox 360 before PS3 but have to returned it within 3 days because RRoD, it left a bad taste.

Viva PS3
Joined 4 Jul 2007
Wed, 25 Nov 2009 14:39
Peanuts, hehe
Wed, 25 Nov 2009 14:39
Xbox are awful machines. Loud, cheap and unreliable and good for one thing only gaming.

My PS3 does everything internet, TV, gaming, bluray, DVD.

You cant use xbox to watch films its too loud I will never buy an awful bit of kit like the xbox.

PS3 is worth the money.
Wed, 25 Nov 2009 14:48
I had the PSWii60 combination for almost a year;
Wii is played by the kids (boys aged 4, 7 and 10 - but really hardly enough to justify keeping it, they are playing the 360 "Arcade" titles like Maw, 'Splosion Man and Trials HD more and more);
360 is played by me (I understand the debate but really - despite the statistics and specifications [which by the way are commonly mis-interpreted] the vast majority of multi-platform games look better on the 360 and the console exclusives on the 360 appeal more to me and have a higher level of playability and lasting appeal through LIVE).
And the PS3?... Well I really bought it for 4 things...
1. Bluray - OK it played them but had so many flaws I couldn't justify keeping it for that... It decodes all audio over HDMI (TRUEHD etc.) and my TXSR-875 does a MUCH better job of that; the SLIM will pass the audio untouched, but I can't pay that much just for a bluray player... I've just got the latest update for the XBOX and it really CAN stream 1080p over broadband!! Byebye bluray (except for the movies I KNOW I want to keep... I now have the LG BD370 bluray player - less than half the cost of the PS3 - perfect passthrough and goes from power off to playing in 15 seconds...). And YES - I am fully HD; TV / Projector and Onkyo amp with MS speakers... I genuinely prefer the dedicated player. Upscaling is better on the PS3? So what?! It's BLURAY.
2. Little Big Planet - Which the kids LOVE but played much less than the wii - which itself - as noted - is being overtaken by XBOX LIVE ARCADE. And yes - I loved LBP, too! Looking forward to the PSP release which will fill that gap...
3. Uncharted - Which I liked for the first couple of hours (OK - maybe the first 4 hours) but it quickly became apparent that except for the truly wonderful graphics style and production values - is Lara Croft on steroids. Not much in the way of replay value and expensive for that... I couldn't bear the same rapid sequence of anticipation / rapture / disappointment with the sequel.
4. SingStar - great at parties! REALLY good game - better than XBOX Lips and with a great "SingStore" implementation - but let's face it - unless you are a bunch of teenage girls, it will see significantly less use that GHWT / Rock Band Beatles etc. - which - in my experience - just play better on XBOX...

So for my money? We have another 360 under the tree for the eldest son. And I've sold my PS3 to fund the LG bluray player. HiDef has never sounded better (But was as-good on the HDDVD player for the XBOX!)

I'm looking forward to Natal as a control interface; just for the media side really, though I'm sure the kids will play games with it happily...

I didn't start this as a 360 fanbois, but I'm really fed-up with the over-sell / over-deliver IN THEORY but actually disappoint of Sony and the PS3. They keep on talking up killer facilities which has everyone on the edge of their seats for MONTHS - then DELAY, DELAY, DELAY then release and quickly let us all down. They really DO have some great technology and I honestly don't know why it doesn't work for me...

Buy "Eye of judgement" and you'll see what I mean. It takes HOURS to download the hundreds of patches then you play it for 30 minutes and drift away to other things.

Each patch to a game takes an age to download and normally requires a reboot.

Download a demo and you have to INSTALL IT and find it in the XMB before playing; oh-yeah - and it can move apparently on it's own after a system update...

If your PS3 is on before your switching amp / TV, the PS3 sometimes arbitrarily decides to switch back to a non-HDMI connection; you have to RE-PLUG to get it back again and yes - I've tried the various combinations of reset; and YES they sometimes worked (but I lose all my settings - it negotiates with the TV but I use other settings to better suit the setup as a whole) but WHY SHOULD I??? The Xbox works consistently. YES - I have had an RROD; but hey - I also got a "Free" 3 yr warranty for that. My PS3 froze then refused to show a picture for 2 days and Sony were less helpful than a kipper.

Sorry - all, I wont be going back. So long, PS3!
Wed, 25 Nov 2009 14:55
looks like DoomBar is ranting.

A chinese proverb once said that a insecure person are one who speaks the most at blankless space. Sound better in Chinese.
The Entertainer
Wed, 25 Nov 2009 15:01
I setup home entertainment for the others. Looks like the majority of the people I go to wants PS3 to be part of the entertainment system because ot ots Blu-ray. And, I have been seeing a lot of people are buying the Slim for this purpose and sometimes 2 PS3 , one for the kids and one for the family entertainment sets. I have to say that PS3 is taking the thunder out of Xbox.
Wed, 25 Nov 2009 15:30
I'm sorry but remind me again why some dodgy voucher submission website is getting so much publicity because of a PR release issued by their marketing agency?

Are they analysts? No
Are they retailers? No
Do they have anything to do with the industry? No
Are they recognised as an industry data-gathering body like Chart Track or NPD? No

In short their opinion is worthless and reproducing it is merely acting as free advertsing. It's amazing how fanboyism and internet blogs work. Any random person can have a random opinon and count on it being reproduced hundreds of times for the next few weeks!

I've been to their site and quite frankly it's cr*p and after searching for both Xbox 360 and PS3 I found it hard to find any useful information. I seemed to get a lot of results about Norton 360 virus software, and not a lot for PS3. There didn't appear to be any discount vouchers as such or any obvious 'click through' system to order one.

Let's turn these 'findings' on their head - maybe the PS3 Slim has reached the sweet spot in value if less people are searching for vouchers and discounts for it? Maybe, despite the budget Arcade model people still want to get the 360 for cheaper - which adds weight to my opinion that it's mainly obnoxious 13 year olds that are looking to buy one.

Quite frankly Spong may as well run a poll on the subject and then issue a press release on their findings - it would probably more relevant than some voucher site, and as the voucher site have clearly realised a great source of free advertising...

Fact remains that the PS3 is a great entertainment solution for a great price - it comes FREE with basics you should expect (but the 360 doesn't give) like free online play, free wi-fi, user upgradable HDD, near silent operation etc. As well as other (free) features like Blu-ray, Web browsing, DivX support, media streaming, Music Videos, Video Conferencing, Remote Play, Photo cataloguing, iPlayer etc etc.

The Xbots can bury their head in the sand all they like and pretend things like Blu-ray and built in HDD's don't matter, but they do and we are seeing examples of it every day, and the differences/advantages are only going to become more blatant.

For me the PS3 is only just finding it's feet and great new features are being added regularly, with many more planned for 2010. In addition the majority of devs are really getting to grips with the hardware and producing some stunning exclusives that put the 360 to shame. In 2009 the PS3 had some amazing exclusives - and anyone who claims to be a gamer can't ignore them (only 360 fanboys do that). And in 2010 it looks set to continue with some fantastic sequels and new IP's which continue to put the 360 (which appears to be relying on the heavily delayed Alan Wake and yet another Halo cash in for 2010) to shame - be it from a graphics viewpoint or a features viewpoint (e.g. why is it that the free service is getting unique 256 player online games but the 'premium' service is stuck with the same old template for predominantly 16-player online games?).

Do you know what struck me about the Spike VGA 2009 nominations? The fact that in the PS3 Game of the Year category they were all AAA exclusives and some other exclusive candidates were missed off the list, whereas the 360 couldn't even muster a list of only exclusives, being as Batman (which ironically is better on PS3) is also shortlisted - so only 3 exclusives worthy of 360 GotY, one of those being bloated DLC for a 2 year old game? Is that the best this "far better console for gaming" can manage?

The recent sales stats say it all, as do the global sales to date when you adjust for the 360's 12/16 month headstart - the 360 isn't doing nearly as well as the Spin-doctors and Fanboys like to pretend, and when you look how close sales are now the Xbots really need to start preparing themselves for another 3rd place finish. Of course when that happens MS will launch another console for them to buy and kid themselves all over again.

The PS3 has a lot of momentum at the moment and have a great ad campaign in Europe and the US to back it up, the 360 however is looking a little stale and seems to have turned to paid versions of free websites to fill the void - amazing how they're suddenly changed their tune about the 360 only being a games console now Sony is winning isn't it?

Maybe the defining factor of 2010 will be the Motion Controls, and frankly I fancy the chances of Sony's version launching in March than of Project Natal, aka PS2 EyeToy Plus. Sure MS can afford to sell it at a loss and produce extravagant fake promo trailers, but will that be enough to get the Halo crowd on their feet flinging their arms and legs around like moron's? I think not... As Sony discovered with the EyeToy last generation, camera control only games are too limited to have broad appeal.
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