Revealed: X06. New IP is New Bungie Title.

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Topic started: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 11:49
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Joined 29 Sep 2005
Thu, 27 Jul 2006 11:49
Wooty. Perhaps its this funky Forerunner thing we keep hearing about.

Anyway stoked that Bungie will be doing something else, though we should have seen at least one arcade title out of them.
Joined 27 Jun 2006
Thu, 27 Jul 2006 15:42
yer i love Halo, but it's great to see a studio like Bungie stepping away from the Master chief & creating something different, maybe the games industry isn't totally controlled by corporate ball washers!
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Thu, 27 Jul 2006 17:41
I'm glad to hear this news because while Halo series is cool, I feel Bungie are getting caught in the rut of its success. Bungie are talented and need to do something else.

Joined 17 Jul 2006
Thu, 27 Jul 2006 18:10
halo is a pretty average game. itll still be slightly interesting to see what they come up with though.
Joined 28 Jun 2000
Thu, 27 Jul 2006 18:12
RiseFromYourGrave wrote:
halo is a pretty average game. itll still be slightly interesting to see what they come up with though.

Saying Halo is pretty average is simply wrong.
It's an amazing game with some serious flaws.
It's anything but average though.
Joined 9 Nov 2005
Thu, 27 Jul 2006 19:03
TigerUppercut wrote:
RiseFromYourGrave wrote:
halo is a pretty average game. itll still be slightly interesting to see what they come up with though.

Saying Halo is pretty average is simply wrong.
It's an amazing game with some serious flaws.
It's anything but average though.

If it has flaws, then you can't really criticise someone for saying it's average. I would say it's average, with some good aspects, as opposed to amazing with flaws.
Joined 17 Jul 2006
Thu, 27 Jul 2006 19:06
^ what he said.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Thu, 27 Jul 2006 20:25
ummm, completely and utterly wrong.

Average is as common as dirt.
Amazing with flaws doesn't work out to average, no matter how you do the math. I think you need to look up the word 'amazing'.

average with some good aspects is a 3.5-4 out of 5.
Halo is at least a 4.5 if not a 5 out of 5.

Don't bother trying to debate this, as its not worth my time, and this is only my opinion, which I am entitled to, just as you are entitled to yours (even if you are dead wrong).
Joined 17 Jul 2006
Thu, 27 Jul 2006 21:00
you can have a game that is on the good side of average, which is where halo 1 and 2 sit.

and why declare your thoughts to be your own subjective opinion and then add snidely in brackets that people whose opinion contradicts yours are wrong? child

ive played both games, i thought they were really average fps's. i think they wilt next to fps's i do like, like HL1, HL2 and Far Cry. hell id rather play goldeneye
Joined 9 Nov 2005
Thu, 27 Jul 2006 22:40
I don't think Halo is bad, but people who think Halo is perfect, or almost perfect, I assume must just have lower standards than I do.
Joined 27 Jun 2006
Fri, 28 Jul 2006 09:25
Halo is a far from average!!, i know you've posted that comment to get this response, but even if you ignore the constant action & engrossing storyline of the Solo campaign Halo is one of the best multiplayer experiences you can have online. The game f**king
Joined 29 Sep 2005
Fri, 28 Jul 2006 09:44

Halo for the xbox was the peak of fps for consoles when it was released. It introduced a lot of standards for the fps genre and it did them well (co-op, vehicles).

Halo for the PC was a decidedly average game because PC fps had moved on significantly and are of a slightly different caliber then console fps games.

Comparing the two is like comparing chalk and cheese, especially because the pc market has more quality games to choose from. Console fps's are generally more forgiving (in control) and are made for a different audience.

Halo 2 as an experience is anything but average. Admittedly some people may have got bored with it after playing it for over a year and a half on live and it lacks the depth of games with more defined roles (e.g. battlefield 2), but it is still the most played game on Live, with one of the most seemless multiplayer experiences on anything (one improvement would be to see a list of servers to join, but if you're playing with friends in a party then that's neglible) and a suprizingly engrossing story. From the pulpit of PC gaming that may not sound like much, but I prefer the experience with Halo2 to most other fps games.

If you don't like it, then that's fine - but calling a series which evolutionised console gaming average is a bit rich.

Joined 16 Sep 2005
Fri, 28 Jul 2006 11:29
RiseFromYourGrave wrote:
ive played both games, i thought they were really average fps's. i think they wilt next to fps's i do like, like HL1, HL2 and Far Cry. hell id rather play goldeneye

I've played a good number of FPS (not my favourite genre) and I would have to say that it is one of (if not the) best console FPS's I have played, (I've played PC FPS at friend's houses, cos my PC is too s**t to run anything better than flash games). I've tried Goldeneye (didn't like it at all), and Half-Life 2 on xbox (which is a fairly crap transfer to xbox if you ask me, I found driving the dune buggy & motor boat slightly awkward). The control system in Halo (1 & 2) just feels natural. In online play (back b4 I chipped my xbox and got banned). I really enjoyed driving the Warthog around and trying to get power slides as the passengers got out to go CTF, I once even managed to land a barrel roll in mid air, and my team mates cheered me. If you don't think Halo (1 & 2 for xbox) is a good game, your standards are too high.
Joined 17 Jul 2006
Fri, 28 Jul 2006 15:44
i wasnt party to this 'evolution' halo inspired. it didnt blow my socks off, the story didnt engross me and the multiplayer was probably the best thing about it.

like Rhino said, maybe my standards are too high.

Joined 30 Sep 2004
Fri, 28 Jul 2006 17:05
"halo = average" = idiot

there... had to get that out of my system.

First off, there are tons of peopel, including myself, who play console and PC games. The snooty "PC FPS's are sooo awsomererer" is crap.
mouse = better aim
analog stick = better speed control.
there for:
vehicle control on a console is better
sneaking in multiplayer games is better on consoles
(splintercell on live is fantastic and way better than its pc counterpart & run button is weak.. no one walks in quake)

now... halo specifics:
two weapon limit > 10+ weapons at once
1st to 3rd person transition for vehicles and good vehicle control in an fps was first done WELL in halo
melee as a usefull attack was done first in halo
an FPS that lets you play "balls out" or "reserved" depednig on your prefference was nearly non existant before halo.
Halo2's dual wilding really made for even more custimizable play methods while still only alowing a realistic two weapons at once in inventory.
as apposed to the battle field games anyoen in a multiplayer halo game can play anyroll depending on the weapon(s) or vehicle they choose. Last minute switches in rolls to compensate for unforseen circumstances makes for some of the most memorable moments in any game i have ever played.

Halo not only had way more than its fair share of evo/revolutionary components but it was also one of the most well put together (i.e. polished) games of its kind.

Admitedly the reused level design in the first (and a bit int he second) isnt ideal, but the fact that i still had a blast playign through those areas a second time is a testament to the games overall design.

Also I, and many others, love the story. Cliched as it may be it was very well done. Im pretty sure most peopel over the age of 20 new the story to lord of the rings before they saw the movie... didnt stop em from enjoyign the hell out of having it told to them so well.

I personaly played halo1 for nearly two years atleast once a week. Halo2 didnt have quite the same stayign power in my mind due to soem unfortunate "balancing" decisions but it was still one fo the best multiplayer games ever made and i do still hope on from time to time and still have a blast.

And since every lieks the HL/HL2 comparisons... hows the multi player in HL? you still playign that today? ;) (and no counter strike doesnt count)

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