Sony's Reeves: PS3 Will Overtake PAL Xbox 360 This Year

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Topic started: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 17:40
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Joined 27 Jun 2006
Thu, 24 Jan 2008 17:40
Im sure Sony will sell a lot of Blu-ray players this year ;-)
Joined 14 Oct 1999
Thu, 24 Jan 2008 18:36
hollywooda wrote:
Im sure Sony will sell a lot of Blu-ray players this year ;-)

As well as PS3s, you mean? I agree.
Thu, 24 Jan 2008 20:05
both sony & ms lose money on every console they sell, so lots of PS3s + no games or blurays=big loss. Add to this if you buy a sony telly you might get offered a cheap PS3 (I did £125) I'd guess this'll pump sales and put sony's neck even more on the line.
PS3 Fan
Thu, 24 Jan 2008 20:13
Just a question for all you 360 fans why the hell do keep hatin on the ps3 so much damn dude i only have the ps3 but i sure as hell don't go around telling everyone how much 360 sucks balls! i can appreciate that 360 has great games as well as ps3 Get a life you f**kin fags.
Thu, 24 Jan 2008 20:42
PS3 Fan wrote:
Just a question for all you 360 fans why the hell do keep hatin on the ps3 so much damn dude i only have the ps3 but i sure as hell don't go around telling everyone how much 360 sucks balls! i can appreciate that 360 has great games as well as ps3 Get a life you f**kin fags.

Yes I've got a 360 and now as it was £125 a PS3. So no I don't hate Sony, or "Fags" however there's little play on the former and I don't want to play with the latter.
Thu, 24 Jan 2008 21:23
Bullish is not the word!

You're right, the word would be Bullshit!
Joined 4 Jul 2007
Thu, 24 Jan 2008 21:28
FF13 and MGS4

Sony better sell alot this year or start eating their consoles.
Joined 22 Sep 2006
Thu, 24 Jan 2008 21:29
Harry wrote:
You're right, the word would be Bullshit!

We shall see.
Joined 13 Apr 2005
Thu, 24 Jan 2008 21:35
This article does say one thing: the Xbox360 is only selling good in the US. Now why isn't selling so much in Europe? Some people always say that the japanese gamers are so different compared to western gamers...then why did the Europeans bought half of all sold Nintendogs games (that European number being 8 million)?

We Europeans should see ourselves as kind of a mix of the Japanese and the Americans. We like to shoot stuff, but we also like the absurd stuff, thank you very much monty python.
Joined 19 Dec 2005
Thu, 24 Jan 2008 22:15
Im sorry I just plain dont believe any of what that man just said!

Seeing as how the 360 sells about 1 a week in Japan...
And how the 360 supposedly outsold the PS3 this holiday season...
Americans cant be buying that many!
Joined 14 Jan 2008
Fri, 25 Jan 2008 11:30
Of course it will. The Xbox 1.5 was never really popular in Europe outside the UK and more and more people are realising the PlayStation 3's true potential. Now all we need is that childs toy fad to burn out...
Joined 22 Sep 2006
Fri, 25 Jan 2008 11:48
HyperTails wrote:
Now all we need is that childs toy fad to burn out...

Unfortunately it's not just a childs toy though, they've managed to corner the girl, pensioner & homosexual market.
Joined 4 Jul 2007
Fri, 25 Jan 2008 11:48
HyperTails wrote:
Of course it will. The Xbox 1.5 was never really popular in Europe outside the UK and more and more people are realising the PlayStation 3's true potential. Now all we need is that childs toy fad to burn out...

Funny how supersayian has stoped replying to posts and you have started??? and both of your comments are fanboyistic crap..

The 360 has sold 17.7 million consoles world wide, and wii is around that figure also, the ps3 is building momentum, there is no evidence to show the 360 is less popular outside the UKk than in other european countries and the ps3 is more popular, come back with figures and proove me wrong and i bet you cant.
Joined 27 Jun 2006
Fri, 25 Jan 2008 12:05
Ohh look at you all, getting all agressive over a console, must be an empty life when you have to get so passionate over a piece of sick of these wars, the PS3 this the 360 tired, & i cant go on, so this is me Hollywooda, signing out, no more,...... i just cant do it anymore, going over the same old ground, people arguing & tearing each other to shreds over the same old things. Shouldn't games websites be about gaming?, don't gamers get enough sh1t off the rest of the world about being mindless geeks & people who need to "get a life", we should be united on gaming website, getting excited about the joys of gaming & the future of gaming, but no, we'd rather spend our time trying to think of a witty & insulting way of describing someones console choice..... We've turned on ourselves & in this war there is only one winner, the big companies who get our money, because for as much passion as you may have for Sony or Microsoft at the end of the day they are a business, & you are money, there is no loyalty in them to us, so why do we fight so intensely for them!!, what we should be doing is talking amongst ourselves as united gamers, PS3 owners sharing details with 360 owners, making sure that with the power of the Internet we let the big companies hear our thought & get issues resolved & insure that gaming is set to standard that we wont let drop. But divided as we are its all to easy for MS & Sony to play us off against each other & make a ton of cash. I know this is a bit of a rant, but i used to enjoy gaming websites & i even enjoyed the rivalry, but its gone stale, & just turned bitter. Website no longer want to have proper discussions on games & gaming they are just concerned with getting as many hits from hungry fanboys by putting headlines like PS3 vs 360, next to every story. I'm just too tired to keep on fighting...... the white flag is up, the last bullet in the chamber fired......goodbye.
Joined 14 Jan 2008
Fri, 25 Jan 2008 12:45
Its a well known fact that the Xbox 1.5 is less popular in Europe outside the UK, that's why the PlayStation 3 has outsold it in those countries.

Remember the PlayStation ads from the 90's? 'Do not underestimate the power of PlayStation'.

You'd do well to remember that ;)
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