2,500 Modern Warfare 2 PC Players Ban Hammered

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Topic started: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 11:44
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Fo Rilla
Tue, 5 Jan 2010 08:53
@Bl00dRush An IT student who uses Windows Firewall? You must not have gotten that far in your studies yet.
Thu, 7 Jan 2010 01:39
i played 7 games before finding this forum, all 7 games had some dude swith a wall hack they dont even try to hide it,.. u watch the kill cam u see them half way across the map looking a brick f.cken wall and boom headshot u through it,.. id spawn, instantly hit prone and just sit there,.. i have cold blood on, so no uav tracking, and boom headshot throught the wall at prone,.. i mean cmon wtf!
Black Diamond - wallhack 2 mins into the game has nuke, i mean really? 2 mins in the game and u have nuke?
Dev3 - wall hack./ aimbot, head shotting SNIPERS with an UZI clear across the damn map, through walls, behind building didnt matter, lock on headshot all he did was pull the trigger.

i agree with sticking admin devs anon'ed into the game and let them see first hand how much fuin it is,.. u cant add a kick vote option cuz i mean,.. teammates that are on the hackers team arent gonna vote against him, Hes not hacking ur a noob,.. bullshit,.. i play fps games constantly i own almost damn near all of them out,.. ive deved on games and watched for hackers ,.. i know how to pick them up granted there is a lot of people out there who have honed themselves to play good,.. i love those people thats a fun challenge,.. but ending a game in 2 mins with 52 kills and 1 death is rediculous.
Thu, 7 Jan 2010 18:55
I have encoutered more cheaters than in any other game, even counterstrike ..

that about says it all..
in my opinion all cheaters should be analy raped by a polarbear.
Fri, 8 Jan 2010 18:09
the amount of hacking on the servers is ridiculous. Worst of all, there is no way of avoiding them. Every game, there appears to be one suspicious player with a score of 33-0 . Also, it becomes extremely apparent when in the chopper-gunner killstreak, their crosshair jumps from player to player with aimbot. It is ridiculous how a 60 dollar PC game turns into a hacking fiesta. its bull s**t. Worst of all, i dont think reporting does s**t. I probably reported a ton of people obviously hacking and i dont think any action has taken place.
Sun, 10 Jan 2010 10:08
Yeah, I am done playing... To much cheating going on. Don't have the time to put in front of this game where I am not on the same playing field as the hackers with aimbots, and wall hacking. Saw one dude following me with his gun through a wall on replay cam...

Wish I could get a refund....
Mon, 11 Jan 2010 00:51
I am as well, too much bs to begin w/ and now hackers in ALMOST EVERY GAME??? F**k that
Mon, 11 Jan 2010 19:50
Quit playing ground war if you don't want hackers.
Tue, 12 Jan 2010 22:11
I saw a website which sells hacks and cheats for MW2. Its clear that those ppl cheating in the game are just script kiddies, not the real hacker. And I think IW doesn't have any authority against these so called website. So we cant do s**t and just hope those kiddies got raped by polar bear(s).
Wed, 13 Jan 2010 18:42
All you have to do is go online and search for MW2 wallhack. The site(s) that sell the hacks have full videos showing them working in game. Any person with $20 can buy the hacks and ruin the game. If IW is actually banning accounts, it needs to start posting the number of bans every week to show its customers that its trying. How much business will they lose on their upcoming products in the PC market? I'm active in the PC gaming community and the sentiment of the average user is outrage, anger and frustration. People have long memories, especially when they feel shortchanged on a purchase.
Greedy IW..
Wed, 13 Jan 2010 22:41
What about the amazingly easy hack, to get prestige 10 ? Like 5% of the players in MW2 are using it. And it makes the Prestige section completely useless. You won't get banned by steam, since it isnt interferring with the game itself. Only rankings.

You go prestige to get new emblems and titles to quote "Show off" as it says in the game. But isnt that waste of time, when 5% if not more can get Prestige10 in 2 minutes ?

They should seriously start to work harder on the known bugs, hack issues, Operations glitches, try to balance the game a bit..

And very soon, there will be a DLC out ? Hopefully it is for free, or else i'll stop gaming and stop buying anything IW makes. Releasing a game, that people got cheats to, the same day it comes out. Greedy IW, greedy..

And the speed bug ? Not even fixed yet. It's a complete chaos online sometimes.

Besides all those massive issues, Cheaters, IW.net problems, it's a great game, especially story mode is really nice.

IW DLC for free! Or you're really ripping people off. I know you work hard, but work harder. seriously. Or don't release a game before you are sure that everyone won't hack your ranks in 1 minute. Or ATLEAST DLC FOR FREE! You already earned TONS of cash releasing a horrible online experience. Better get sorted things out so we can enjoy this GREAT game.
Sat, 16 Jan 2010 21:41
I was playing a game and a hacker took the whole group (hardcore TDM) to a map called rust and everyone was running around at double speed, before I knew it a "cheat detected" pop up appeared and the game ended, all happened within 2 mins, then boom I was level 70. Do hacker have the "power" to do this or was this a glitch?
hackers hackers
Wed, 20 Jan 2010 05:19
I tried to play capture the flag and as it turn out everyone of the players are hacking, so I got off and change to demolition. 7 hackers with 50+ kills and 3 deaths. I decided to play a different one, SAME THING!!! OMG When will it end? Hackers in almost every server.
Wed, 20 Jan 2010 13:48
i agree with all of you here too many hackers in mw2 and nothing we can do about it.. i say bring back punkbuster or something similar since vac is just useless even thou punkbuster sometimes had problems atleast it was doing its job better then vac
Ban Acitivision
Fri, 29 Jan 2010 18:34
I say gamers unite and simply boycott Activision. Download kids are going to continue to cheat and since Activision wont do anything to stop them, we should stop buying their games. I see the same people day in and day out cheating for weeks now and nothing is being done. Blatent aimbot hacks and still nothing to be done. If they cant control their servers and they wont let us control our own, then stop buying their product and maybe they will wise up.
Sun, 31 Jan 2010 17:08
Give us dedicated servers, or more people will simply hack the dev console and do it the unofficial way.

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