2,500 Modern Warfare 2 PC Players Ban Hammered

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Topic started: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 11:44
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Tue, 31 Aug 2010 03:52
I've been playing MW2 since it came out. To be honest I have had to stop playing the game due to people just plan ole hacking or cheating. Just tonight i thought i might give it another chance, forked out the 15 bones to get the new maps played for about 10 mins and had to turn it off. The amount of ppl cheating MW2 PC online is retarted. If it's not a locator is an aimbot if it's not that there wall hacking or doing some crazy super jump thing.
Steam anti cheat thing sucks ass. Peer reporting doesn't work. Nothing gets done.
I actually took the time tonight to call Activision and complain about their product. I really can't get over how bad it has gotten. I can cheat but i don't want to .. i want to play the game like it use to be... actually be competitive with it again. But untill then i'm going back to COD4. MW2 and go f**k a duck... till this issue gets fixed.

SO Please do somthing PPL!.. .OMG!!!!!!!!!!
Sat, 13 Nov 2010 18:19
Why are you people asking for refunds...?
Fact of the matter is, hacking CAN'T be fixed. No matter how many people VAC bans, there will always be more idiots willing and able to hack.
And also, MW2 came out a long time ago, its your fault you didn't take the time to look at the steam forums (to see player comments etc.) before buying the game.
Tue, 30 Nov 2010 17:23
@Casca i say dont give the players the power to kick or ban. we know most of the players in this game are kids, and kids dont know how to take decisions. Me for example, i have been playing this game since it went out on the market, and despite the fact that the servers are awful, we even run into these "smart" dudes that use wall hack or aimbot. These guys are incredible, i dont even know why the hell they bought the game, theres no sense if u cheat. another problem i was disturbed about is these people that think they can spot a hacker, even if the guy might just be a good player, they report him and this guys account ends up being banned and u can say goodbye to the money that u gave for this game. Me for example, i have been banned 3 times with 3 different accounts, and why, because kids run this game, and if a kid says ur a hacker, then everyone will say the same thing. dont leave anything in kids hands, they will make this game even more boring than cheaters make it! or at least create some anti-cheat program that kicks and bans players that really cheat, and stop these f**king kids banning us all, im tired of getting kicked and banned just because i know how to play this game!
Tue, 30 Nov 2010 17:27
Another thing, if u dont know how to play this game, dont act as an expert and tell everybody that the player with the most kills is a hacker. if u wanna play the game, play it, if u wanna find a new life, u are really looking in the wrong place!
Sat, 4 Dec 2010 20:13
@Anonymous no way its our fault for not reading forums!!! You buy a game in Wal Mart and it has nothing on the box about reading forums. If there was a disclaimer saying something about all the cheaters and hackers then fine but there is nothing of the sort. Dont stick up for a company who basically used a good name to sell a bad product, made millions, and then hides in the corner with no support to their customers. A law team should get involved and sue the piss out of the designers
Tue, 14 Dec 2010 01:41
2500 is an awfully small number compared to all the other hackers out there. If there is one thing that is still very true, its the fact that that the game is still full of hackers and that who ever has the best hacks, wins. Steam's fail valve anticheat failware delay ban useless sh1t really does nothing to prevent hacking. All it does is just advertise games to buy. Nothing more, nothing less.
Mon, 3 Jan 2011 00:49
Totaly agree, Infinity award advertised this game as being a good online, and cheat free zone, they have not come through with this, to me thats false advertising and i think we should get out money back.
If they were forced to give the money back, i bet they would come up with a solution pretty quick
Wed, 9 Feb 2011 00:53
i just got a letter in the mail today on my ps3 saying "nice cheats asshole",..... In astonishment I replied back to him what cheats? Everytime you get on a modded game they are ranking you up and you can't do anything about it! So I just rolled with the punches! If your inabled to beat them leave the lobby simple as that stop crying to everybody about it. Just join another game. This letter was very unexpected considering I'm not a hacker or cheat! I just got caught up in a modded game and it happened. So if you ant take the heat get out of the kitchen!! Enough said
Mon, 7 Mar 2011 20:55
i had just played MW2 aginst a WH (wall hacker) and it was f**ked and i realy want to know if there is any way i can report him as cheater/hacker
the best part is that i have recorded the kill cams and evrybody can see that he are using WH

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