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Topic started: Fri, 16 Sep 2005 11:12
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Joined 16 Sep 2005
Fri, 16 Sep 2005 15:00
OMG I dont know if i like it or hate it but then again i am a classic gamer( atari, nes, genisus, and 64) but the only problem is the games like metriod , mario, SmashBros, and some other major platfromers. And in a final note: plz make other controller plz for the main games because i dont think i could play smashbros or metriod only if i am stuck with a remote but ....
Joined 19 Aug 2005
Fri, 16 Sep 2005 15:21

Eurogamer: How is the controller going to work with games that aren't designed specifically for the Revolution - multi-platform titles and so on?

Jim Merrick: We're producing a classic-style expansion controller, based on traditional designs like the Gamecube controller. It's like a shell with a hole in the top into which you slot the freehand-style controller, and then you can play third-party ported games, and retro Nintendo games you've downloaded.

So there's that option - but even while it's inserted into the classic-style shell, the freehand controller will still be able to sense positioning and so on, so there are more options too.

It's something that's just as true for the DS - not every game uses the DS's unique features. But some multi-platform titles do, like The Sims 2 for example. We hope other developers will do the same and look at ways their multi-platform titles can make use of the Revolution's features.
Joined 3 Aug 2005
Fri, 16 Sep 2005 15:36
When I first saw the controller my first reaction was "Christ that is way off what I was expecting!". I then began reading about it and got more and more excited about it. Watching the video just makes it look so much fun and like someone said there's not yet any gameplay footage to see!
The controller really is going to be something special and although there was no doubt in my mind that I was getting a Revolution this has made me even more excited than I already was.
Roll on 2006.
Joined 16 Sep 2005
Fri, 16 Sep 2005 16:05
For ordinary games, this can slot into a 'classic' style controller (not to mention the n64, snes, etc shapes which will probaly be available for retro gaming) and the good ole gc controller can also be used. So don't worry about ordinary games (3rd party ports should be simple).

I was pleasantly surprised by this announcement this morning, to my utter amazement (don't get me wrong it aint "better than sex" as one over excited forum user predicted but it is incredibly interesting.) Now the actual software is the next piece of the puzzle (another 6 month wait for E3 *groan*). Nintendo are probaly wasiting for finalized software before unleashing it on us, or maybe just want to build up more (non self-trumpeting) hype and anticipation. Nintendo also promise more surprises, online related and who knows what else?

I actually registered to post this, I just couldn't believe how biased Spong are toward ps3 (which I feel is the least interesting of the three, xbox360 having enticing online capabilities.) Spong if you respect your 'official' status as a non-ps orientated website, then you should definitely report on this, including the eye/mind opening video that is necessary to explain the revolution's controller primary purpose. So Spong please show more fairplay toward both the revo and xbox before I lose my faith entirely in non-porpagandic journalism.

ALSO, Spong is the only website I've found which wrote scathingly and mockingly about the new controller.Hmmmm....
Joined 16 Sep 2005
Fri, 16 Sep 2005 16:08
I'm just wondering why the comments are frozen on the comment,
"I laughed so hard its not funny"
(not an exact quote, I think).

Coincidence? This is farcical...

(Sorry for double post, but as my first one never appeared I can't edit it)
Joined 13 Apr 2005
Fri, 16 Sep 2005 16:26
Ok for those who just dont understand or who dont care to understand i tell you to follow these steps.

Step1: goto the below link and read in full to understand how Iwata's keynote went and what the new controler can do.

step2: now go and watch this.

(the video says video on it and is right at the top of the article)
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Fri, 16 Sep 2005 16:33
I'm a proud Nintendo fan (but I like other consoles too) and I think they have delivered what they said they would and Revolution is without a doubt gonna rock this gaming planet to its very core. A long overdue event indeed.

Folks you really have to watch the controller video to get a better idea of how this is gonna do an literal industry 360 compared to how we now play, the same way the DS did.

Spong's news post on this news was interesting and a little negative in tone, and to be honest I think you have to be better than that as a gamer. Break out the matchsticks for your eyes and look to the future and where Rev might take us. Somewhere new and exciting.

With regards to Konami and Game Trak, I think you need to check your facts because there was a dance mat like game released way back on the NES (check if you must). Konami's efforts are focused on the arcade sector with DDR and such Game Trak had like one game and a huge price tag. Are you saying you like Game Trak enough to buy one? Didn't think so.

This is the first step in more immersive gaming experiences via Revolution, with a huge legion of the industry licking their lips already to support it.

I believe in Nintendo. I had last minute doubt and I was surprised at what I first saw, but now there at TGS with more we are yet to see, which is gonna prove more interesting as months pass. All this and we STILL have no specs on Rev at all.

Whatever happens I hope the final designs for Rev will be cool, I'm loving the cool white colour. Wireless pads as standard too (eat that Microsoft, this is how it should done).

I'm already buying a Rev and I can see the bigger picture, if you want to know and investigate more I suggest you watch the Rev controller video and imagine what you'd be playing on it.

Any neighsayers beware, because this Rev is true to the term next gen than 360 and PS3. Humble pie will be served to those neighsayers

''Who you gonna call, Sony and MS?''

Joined 18 Oct 2004
Fri, 16 Sep 2005 17:00

You're using the controller the wrong way!!!!



seriously, behave.
Joined 9 Nov 2004
Fri, 16 Sep 2005 17:31
The more I think about this, the better it gets. Can't wait until Sony rip it off and we can get PS3 graphics with Revolution gameplay
Joined 13 Apr 2005
Fri, 16 Sep 2005 17:53
When i first saw the pictures i went "oh my god, what the... how do you...bloody..." and more of that kind of gibberish. Then i went to read the info, watch that video at IGN and it hit: this is a Revolution.

The first REAL next-gen console has stand up and shown what its all about: daring innovation and the first stepstone to virtual reality. Take that 360 en PS3, you two are not worthy the title next-gen, only the title present-gen with better grfx (sorry let myself go).

The possibilities are enormous. It can enhance every genre with more accurate and intuitive control then ever before and give birth to complete new genres only capable of running on the Revolution.And the Big N hasn't even shown every ace they got, this new controller is only a aspect, ONE BLOODY ASPECT, of the innovation the Revolution will offer...ow Happy Days... God be mercifull on the naysayers for they will be shrouded in darkness a very long time.

The problem is offcourse: third party publishers. Developers are going to get a kick out of this, but the publishers, they own the money. How easy and ergo cheap is the Revolution to work with, how easy is it to implement this new way of gamecontrol in games. Will EA use the rod to simualte a real golf stick in Tiger Woods 2007 just for the Rev? If they do then i will applaud them, if not ,then they missed the complete point.

The next-gen revolution is nigh and Sony and MS have allready missed it, doomed to battle for a limited pool of gamers.
Sony will find it a hard time to copy this controller. Go look up al those so-called Revolution patents and start putting the puzzle togheter. Nintendo has patented the most crucial things of its new controller.

Ow Happy , Happy days... now show me some games Nintendo!
Joined 18 May 2004
Fri, 16 Sep 2005 19:13
I was writing a long thing obout how amazing this could be then I just thought what the hell, three words: Wario Ware Revolution
Joined 17 Aug 2005
Fri, 16 Sep 2005 21:21
thank u nintendo, this is so great, not to menchan much more affordable, jeez i could get 2 revs for the price of 1 360 or 3, this controller is so awesome, man this would be awesome for soul caliber, you could actually do the sword fighting like in the vid, thankyou nintendo, i can't wait for this system
Joined 1 Mar 2005
Fri, 16 Sep 2005 21:21
Since when did game controllers begin to look like a TV remote? Well, I don't care much, if nintendo deliver what they are promising then this may well be a 'revolution' by all accounts.

However I must agree that it will be quite though to get the concept to the majority of gamers out there (if that is indeed, and should, be Ninty's objective). If the big N fails this one, then I guess it will face the same fate as SEGA from the home console perspective...

Still, its an interesting concept and I'm curios to try out the 'innovative' control methods offered by nintendo... Making Link mimic your sword technique by swinging that thing around sounds fun if not ridiculous... I hope things just don't get out of hand in that case *literally*
Joined 20 May 2004
Fri, 16 Sep 2005 22:35
First thought: well, that's Ninty dead in the water.

Later considerations: actually, this sounds like an actual, working version of that old device for the Mega Drive, the one that was an octagonal mat that read your movements and translated them in-game. With games purposely written for it, this really could work. Shape's unique; who thought a remote would be it? But, let's face it, it's not a remote - it's a wand. Such a simple concept, expertly done. FPSs with this will be fantastic; what's more intuitive than aiming by pointing? The joystick moves, the wand points... bingo.

Now, the hard part is selling it to people. I'm going to try pitching this to one of the lads I work with; if it appeals to his "playstation is gaming" brain, it's a winner.
Joined 22 Dec 2004
Fri, 16 Sep 2005 22:52
While the prospect of Wario Ware Revolution is inreresting, it would be games like that that people in Sony's and Microsoft's would use as an example that the Revolution is gimick. I did think of one thing though. Turn it 90 degress, hold with two hands and you have yourself a steering wheel.

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