Nintendo’s Lifestyle PR campaign falters in UK

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Topic started: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 14:54
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Joined 3 Sep 1999
Mon, 24 Jul 2006 06:19
Hypnotoad wrote:
Thanks for contributing to the debate - very contructive & thought provoking. I especially liked the way you substituted the 'w' for the 'r' - almost like you were talking like a small child or perhaps even a baby? Brilliant!

He has a point though. You did seem to start stamping your feet because we refused to agree with you.

In fact, despite us saying that we were not bothered whether you agreed with us or not, you still seemed to accuse us of petulance and arrogance.

But the discussion has become somewhat circular. And we are both now repeating ourselves.

Buy Wii, don't buy Wii. Like it, hate it. Believe Arena, believe SPOnG. We really don't mind what you do. And discussing it certainly makes good forum fodder. But please refrain from telling us what we think, nor what we should think.

If it makes you feel better to have the last word, and if you feel the need to make anymore groundless and insubstantiated criticisms of SPOnG please go ahead.
Joined 5 Aug 2005
Tue, 25 Jul 2006 00:03
Well, you feel he has a point because he is backing your argument. I'm not trying to win anything here - we have different opinions to yours and clearly you won't even entertain the notion that they may have some relevance. YOU were the one that started bagging someone else's opinion, not ME. If you had reported on the article in a more objective manor as apposed to the slander used, we wouldn't be here right now.

You're entitled to your beliefs, and other to theirs. I'm just not about to go and publicly post a story slamming SPOnG about how ridiculous I may think your opinions are - they are just as valid as mine. But you seem to be missing that point.

Oh and you guys need to settle down a bit - don't take this stuff so seriously.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Tue, 25 Jul 2006 05:05
dude, easy....

lets look at the facts here.

Fact: some rag has an opinion.

Fact: this rag's opinion is only notable due to the fact that it is not congruent with the general consensus.

Fact: this is reported here, not without some added editorial content.

Slander is an utterly ludicrous word to use in this context. Just stop. Now. You lose, Ninty wins, g@me over. Of course yours is only the 3rd most ridiculous position in the thread. #2 being held by Dee for defending Tedd's subintelligent vitriol. (The post he was replying to being contextually perfectly reasonable and correct)

Any legitimate concens posited by the abovementioned rag are impeached and found disingenuous. Q.E.D. BillTedd is a douchebag.

Joined 3 Sep 1999
Tue, 25 Jul 2006 09:32
Ok, let's flatten this thread, and Arena's concerns;

1 The physical issue
3 The space issue

The writer seems completely unaware that you don't actually have to throw yourself around to play these games. Nintendo has made it clear on several occassions that you can play Mario Tennis with large lunging movements, or just simple flick-of-the-wrist movements.

Sure, you may get a tired wrist after prolonged play, but how is this any different from sore thumbs and cramped knuckles from lengthy playing on PS2 or Xbox?

Take away the huge movements, and you take away the requirement for large clear space for play.

2 The ‘big TV’ issue

Ill-founded supposition. Even the Eyetoy claim is flawed. The only reason the Eyetoy doesn't typically work with a small telly is because most folk sit the camera on the telly. However the player needs to be a good distance from the cam to be "in the frame", which means they're too far from the small TV to make out what's going on. The answer here it to place the camera beyond the TV, but that's not always possible or practical.

Going back to the space "issue", if you're going to throw yourself about like a spong, then you're probably going to need a reasonably sized TV because you'll be a good distance from the screen. However, if you play sat down, using wrist movements, I cannot see any valid reason why a 14" portable TV wouldn't suffice.
Joined 2 Jul 2004
Tue, 25 Jul 2006 12:56
Suppose I can drop my tuppenceworth of opinion in on this.

There's no getting away from the fact I'm a fat git, there's also no getting away from the fact I've got some undiagnosable muscle disorder which means I tire easily (kind of chicken and egg situation; I don't like exercise, but I never really realised I had a medical problem until it kicked off badly in my early 20's, either way = me being overweight). Despite all this, I'm still looking forward to getting my hands on a Wii come launch day; I'll probably play until I can't move my arms anymore (which will probably be a lot sooner and painful than the Arena guy, or any of you on here). Why?

Because I'm bored with gaming after 30+ years, because there's been bugger all real innovation in the videogame market; you might get the occassional game which does things just right, but overall it's the same thing in one game after another. The Wii may, or may not, bring a breath of fresh air, but I'm willing to see where it takes me. Even if it means not being able to move properly for a couple of days afterwards.

Now, does that put the Arena guy's "lying on the bed" argument into perspective? It sounds like we're probably both big slobs, but he's not enough of a gamer to actually realise there's a need for something different, to go alongside all the "Me too!" sequals and copycats.
Joined 24 Jan 2004
Tue, 25 Jul 2006 15:44
PreciousRoi wrote:
Any legitimate concens posited by the abovementioned rag are impeached and found disingenuous. Q.E.D. BillTedd is a douchebag.

Dude! Douchebag! And I thought we were getting along so well. Except for that time recently when I implied that you were a clueless nobody who has never been further than the end of your yard.

I apologise for that, it was uncharitable.

I think you agreed with what you just said. But I'm not entirely sure.

Could you explain it again in words of one syllable of fewer?
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