Rockstar’s Manhunt blamed for copycat murder

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Topic started: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 11:28
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Joined 29 Jul 2004
Thu, 29 Jul 2004 22:56
This is ridiculous. I think it's fair to say that music doesn't cause murder, movies don't cause murder, games don't cause murder, and guns don't cause murder. People and people alone cause murder.

This person had some serious issues... Let's talk about their parents, not the gaming industry.
Joined 19 Mar 2004
Thu, 29 Jul 2004 23:36
I don't want Rockstar to release a sequel to Manhunt because of potential violence issues, I don't want them to make a sequel because the game was BAD.

Joined 3 Sep 1999
Fri, 30 Jul 2004 08:28
DekkerNocturnal wrote:

>I think it's fair to say that
>music doesn't cause murder.

True. Doesn't cause it, doesn't facilitate it.

> movies don't cause

True. Don't cause it, don't facilitate it.

>games don't cause murder,

True. Don't cause it, don't facilitate it.

> and guns don't
>cause murder.

But the facilitate it. Murder. Mansaughter, accidental deaths. Thousands of people who are dead would be alive today, had there not been a gun around at the scene and time of their death.

Defend movies, games and music all you like, but guns are tools for killing, and they should be banned.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Fri, 30 Jul 2004 08:30
You've got to love (read: despise) the journalistic talents employed by the daily UK "news"paper, The Sun...

It emerged last night that it was banned by censors in New Zealand six months ago.

F**king cretins. The NZ government banned the game at the end of last year. How the hell did it "emerge" last night? They should have written

We pulled our collective heads out of our arses last night, and a mate of ours told us that not all video games are like Mario, and some infact contain adult themes. Manhunt has even been banned in NZ. Omigosh - the humanity!!!

Joined 29 Jul 2004
Sun, 1 Aug 2004 23:00
Defend movies, games and music all you like, but guns are tools for killing, and they should be banned.

Guns are tools for killing, but I don't think it's a good idea to ban them. People who want guns for illegal purposes (IE crime, murder, etc.) will get them whether they are legal or not... People who want guns for self-defense or hunting purposes will not get them if they are illegal. I don't care if guns are used for self defense as long as they are legally registered, and I have nothing against hunting.

Banning guns would only take away more rights from law-abiding citizens.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Mon, 2 Aug 2004 12:42
DekkerNocturnal wrote:

>Banning guns would only take away more rights
>from law-abiding citizens.

Rights are been taken away all the time. The rights of (predominantly) ethnic voters in the United States to haved their votes counted. The right of privacy in personal communications. The right to a fair trial for prisoners of camp X-ray. The right of those in Iraq, attacked by the United States Army, to presecute for war crimes.

If guns were banned outright, criminals might get them, but the law should act decisively, and without mercy. Using a gun in the pursuit of crime should result in a life sentence, no parole. The number of gun users on the streets would decrease rapidly then.
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