No Street Fighter 4...Yet

JAMMA show delivers dragon punch to rumours.

Posted by Staff
Bad news, we’re afraid. The doors have been open at the JAMMA 2005 for show for some hours now. We’ve paced the floor. We’ve looked everywhere. We’ve asked around, but Capcom decided not to show a new Street Fighter game today, and it’s looking unlikely that they’ll show it tomorrow, or the day after for that matter.

As you may have been aware, rampant speculation regarding a new Street Fighter game had consumed the gaming world for weeks, with today’s show in Tokyo expected to be see the genre-defining series get a fresh run out. This turns out to be false.

Capcom representatives in Europe had expressed doubt to SPOnG earlier this week that the game, known as Street Fighter 4 at this point, would be unveiled at JAMMA. And it looks as though they were right.

Fear not though. The game is widely expected to be shown in some form this year, so perhaps the Tokyo Game Show, kicking off on September 16 will shed some light.

We’ll keep you updated.


VastikRoot 1 Sep 2005 10:05
I need to see screen shot!!
I'm hoping for a Streetfighter Alpha 3 meets Soul Calibur hybrid with cell shaded graphics...but if it's 2D they'll probably just re-use the same bloody sprites again...
Joji 1 Sep 2005 12:37
Your description sounds awful dude, we don't need another Auto Modelista. That style might work for Viewtiful Joe

I feel no shame in saying just keep SF series 2D but redraw the graphics each time if possible. Every damn game out there is 3D and we need the likes of Treasure, and Capcom to stand up for 2D gaming.

I hope that take a leaf out of 3rd Strikes book as that is the best SF game yet. SFA3 was too hard but had plenty of characters about 35 I think and strangely 3rd Strike was excellent with fair difficulty but had about 14-16.

I believe SFA3 is supposed to be released on PSP. Maybe Spong has news on this.

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VastikRoot 1 Sep 2005 15:16
yeah...I only said that cos i heard it was gonna be 3D and don't want another EX! 3D hasn't done the SF art any favours, at least call shaded would retain it's strong visual style...
Wierdly I found 3rd Strike harder than Alpha 3, but then I did play Alpha 2 on the SNES to death on the rumour that if you beat it on hardest difficulty without losing a round you'd unlock Evil Ryu. I did, but it didn't.
I just want an all new 2D SF with cutting edge animation!
rm19 1 Sep 2005 18:05
I just wish Capcom would folllow or surpass the 2D graphical excellence of the Guilty Gear series and throw away the pathetically low res sprites that could have come from the Genesis.

Seeing Capcom vs Marvel vs SNK vs Xmen vs Sammy etc. in high pixel goodness would compel me to mindlessly drop even more money into shameless Capcom re-hash sequels. Don't touch the gameplay, but please up the sprite resolution. I think it's about time to do so.

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