Quote: Tomonobu Itagaki: Freedom Makes Me Cry

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Quote: Tomonobu Itagaki: Freedom Makes Me Cry
While Tomonobu Itagaki's former staffers over at Team Ninja are happy to beaver away with Nintendo on the new Metroid: Other M, the man himself is weeping with joy at his independence from Tecmo. He tells 1UP what he appreciates most about life after the rancorous departure from Tecmo:

"Freedom, in so many different ways. Since the team is all veterans, they work so fast. As a director, it makes me shed tears of joy."

Awwww. Nice. Sort of like Prince when he left Sony.

All that happiness has not, however, made the man responsible for bikini babes and ninja blades (sorry, Gaiden) any more mellow when it comes to the competition.

"If I made a similar game as a game I made in the company I quit, people would say, 'What an idiot, can't he make anything else?' Well, that is more or less the opinion I have for, uh, that Bayo-something game."

Yup, Bayonetta gets a hacking and slashing from Mr Itagaki. He continues to slice up the lead character "Covered in hair, is she? I dunno, (Bayonetta director) Mr (Hideki) Kamiya must have a lot going through his head. Well, in any case, I would first recommend laser eye surgery. I'm sure he's not that strapped for cash, right?"

Very rock'n'roll. Now, back to the hackyslash babes.

Full interview


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