EA’s Secret French Kiss Revealed

20% of Ubi Soft acquired.

Posted by Staff
In shock news breaking this morning, it has emerged that Electronic Arts, the world’s largest third-party publisher, has acquired a 20% stake in French publisher/developer Ubi Soft.

The block-stock purchase was made from Talpa Beheer B.V. and signed off last Thursday by the two firms. The deal will be officially complete following standard anti-trust clearance from the US government.

Interestingly, this move by EA sees the firm become the majority stakeholder, a powerful position and likely to be targeted at expanded penetration in France. Ubi Soft is a powerful brand in France and a household name. It’s sales staff run riot with French retail, seeing massive shelf space allocations – the kind of allocation usually reserved for Electronic Arts.


Ditto 20 Dec 2004 15:44
EA continue to take over...

I don't think the US government has any anti-trust laws. At least not any that work anyway.
SPInGSPOnG 20 Dec 2004 16:04
Electronic Arts, the worlds largest third-party publisher

Which first party publisher is larger?

sales staff run riot with French retail, seeing massive shelf space allocations the kind of allocation usually reserved for Electronic Arts.

Maybe that should read "now reserved for EA".
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LUPOS 20 Dec 2004 19:39
God Dammnit...

You know after the elcetion and George's "re-relection" i said to myself, "at least i can still go play video games and ignore the evils of the world for a while... "


why do the bad people always win : (
Autobot 20 Dec 2004 19:52
I remembered EA saying something about the future of gaming will be only for the major companies because the smaller companies will be unable to compete.

Well duh they are unable to compete because you buy out the competition. I think Eventually EA will just make there own system. I think if they did they may actually succeed, (3do does not count). They would have NFL all ot themselves and most popular game brands.

But this Ubisoft news is kinda weird cause EA is looking to make enimies in the business and thats not a good thing. They now have all the power in the game universe. Its like Monopoly (the game) when you have enough money you try and build you lands with hotels just in the hope tht someone would fall on it then they have to pay you a bunch of money. Then witht he profited moeny you buy more property and build more hotels as fast as possible so you can continue to buy more property to win faster. EA for somereason Got the Boardwalk and Park place Properties early on (Madden) and because they were able to live off that they continued to grow. Now they are planning to buy more properties (Ubisoft, NFL, and a few ex Microsoft games).

I want EA to get a chance card that says go straight to jail, do not pass go and do not collect 200 dollars.

There Pissing me off.

Pandaman 20 Dec 2004 22:54

Forget them, it looks lke EA is the winner of the next generation.
Ditto 21 Dec 2004 12:22
I'd agree with that; EA are in a win-win situation.

Actually I think now would be a good time for Sony and Nintendo to create a joint console in the same way Sony partnered with Ericsson to create mobile phones.

Think of the benefits: Sony gets Nintendo's fan base and excellent games, Nintendo get Playstation owners' money, both get a stake in the development of and profits from the console, Nintendo stays independent, both companies stay Japanese, Sony reduced competition, Nintendo gets a more mature image.

I think Microsoft and Sony could force Nintendo out of the next generation and cause them to either become a 3rd party developer or being taken over by another business. Sony also could face it's massive market share being erroded heavily by M$.
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